Real. Weird. Art. By Joey Allgood

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I was walking along 23rd Street in Manhattan today, when I spotted a lone table set up with a display of about 15-20 vibrant works of art. Paint, ink, or Photoshop, I couldn’t be sure, but the anthropomorphic animal characters and personified inanimate objects grabbed my attention and compelled me to stop and look closer.

Then the second part of each image, the brief and humorous accompanying story describing the scene, convinced me that I was looking at brilliant work, and that I had to meet and photograph the artist.


I spoke with Joey Allgood, a Brooklyn transplant from Indiana, who told me that the scenes are mostly expressions of various feelings he’s had at different points in his life, channeled through the unlikely characters in each piece, and that the aforementioned stories are not secondary, but an integral and equal component of the artwork. The most amazing part? He draws these digital images with just his CELL PHONE!

If you’re in New York City, Joey says he’s most often found in Union Square and outside the Whitney Museum. You can also find his prints for sale at, or follow him on Instagram @realweirdart.